The Malta Review of Educational Research (MRER) is a fully refereed, international, electronic journal. The journal provides established and emerging scholars and practitioners with a space for critical and empirical analysis of issues in education. In broader terms, the journal sets out to contribute to educational theory as well as policy, leadership, curriculum development, support services and pedagogy.

MRER is published twice yearly in one of the following formats: general issue; special issue; or supplement issue. General issues contain papers that cover a range of areas in education. Special issues focus on one particular education-related theme. Supplement issues are published intermittently, when the volume of accepted submissions warrants the publication of extra numbers in a particular year.

MRER should be of interest to scholars and practitioners working in different sectors in education such as: preschool education; compulsory schooling; adult and continuing education; vocational training; post-secondary and tertiary education; popular education; education for leisure; museum education; media education; distance learning; open learning; education administration and management; history of education; education studies; and ICT in education.

The philosophy of the editorial board of MRER is to distribute this journal freely, thereby providing open access to all.